There is nothing holier than the feeling of leaving church
When the Sunday mass finally ceases
and old women wearing emerald brooches line to give their
compliments to the parish
and I can finally take off my doily socks and pleated braids
and apply ointment to the spots on my hands burnt
from slowly dripping wax
and the choir sings their last song
and it’s always much happier than their usual score
because we should all finally admit to ourselves
that there is so much joy in it being over
I was told during my first holy communion that I shall feel the spirit of God enter my body clean my
impure thoughts and fill me with a light of clarity
I was told that the body and blood of christ is rare and I should be
grateful to take him in every Sunday
I was told that there is no better feeling than sitting in a confession booth and praying ten Hail Mary’s to
make up for the fact that I swore at my mother
When I grew older there was no holier feeling than slumber and nothing washed over me like the
beginnings of sleep and the tingling in my brain trying to come up with stories to feed a wanton teenage mind and let’s be honest the putrid incense that fills my lungs as I walk down the long wooden
pews is nothing compared to my first cigarette lit by a boy who will never bring me home
I was told that God is everywhere, He is in nature
So why do I see my face, my reflection in every body of water
Why has God not wrapped me in a sand blanket and said that nothing was wrong with me
There is no holier feeling than a campfire, setting ablaze creation
There is no immense joy like the destruction of his home or the sadness in my chest when the last ember
burns out
Why does the quiet of night wrap me in its arms and promise it will not tell my secrets if He is so all
Why does every secret feel like a slug sitting in my throat never quite leaving just more digestible as i age
Why does the silence in a room feel like a pregnant pause
There is nothing better than shedding the curse of woman
There is no certainty like a catholic divorce
There is no shame like the fullness of my words
if i must think than i shall never speak at all